This is the only way God could possibly answer prayers for parking spaces and sunny days...
I prayed for no commercials. Sorry, I'm not on Jehovah's list any more.
this idea was brought up on another thread today, but i thought this particular angle deserved it's own thread.
have you ever noticed that jws that have completely swallowed the kool-aid are really whacked in their thinking when it comes to interpreting life's events.
bb, "because i got the parking place and they didn't.
This is the only way God could possibly answer prayers for parking spaces and sunny days...
I prayed for no commercials. Sorry, I'm not on Jehovah's list any more.
1960's the watchtower pictures showed jesus clean shaven and with short hair {watch 1954 p.511 "why do watchtower books now show jesus with short hair and no beard?
....because he is shown that way in representations that are older than the traditional effeminate looking pictures..."}.
yearbook 2011 p.57 "a bearded man named eric showed up at a congregation in the united states {oh god a bearded man!!!
Back in the late 1980s when I worked for Tandy Corporation (Radio Shack), they hired an IBM castoff to be a Senior VP. He immediately imposed a new dress code on all Tandy store employees and corporate managers. This even included employees out in little franchise Radio Shacks located in the desert or in the Ozarks. They insisted that we all use the then popular "Dress for Success" model (John T. Molloy, 1988) whether we ever met the public or not.
"Dress for Success" meant that you had to have the "IBM salesman look." Wool blend suits, white long-sleeved shirts, conservative ties. You had to cut your hair up over your ears, shave your sideburns above your earlobes, and lose all facial hair.
This caused a great deal of distress among African-American store managers since facial hair was very much in vogue within that community at the time. Plus many African-American men suffer from skin irritations due to shaving. In spite of numerous requests for waivers, the Tandy SrVP would not budge, not even for medical waivers. Several long-time managers were fired for not following the edict to the letter.
At the time Tandy Radio Shack was trying to compete with IBM in the computer sales and integration market. The market they were competing in included school districts, government entities, and small businesses. To Tandy upper management having the field sales teams dress in the IBM manner made sense. But Tandy's requirement also applied to service and repair people, headquarters support staff, and part-time Radio Shack store employees. That made no sense at all.
The Watchtower Society must have read that book around the same time, because it seemed that beards and mustaches became verboten around the early 1980s. I remember growing up that we had two or three middle-aged brothers that wore beards in my Kingdom Hall (1955-1965) and quite a few younger brothers had neatly trimmed mustaches. One brother looked like Santa Claus and a KH servant looked like James Mason as Captain Nemo in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
After Tandy implemented its dress code, a major industry magazine (maybe Computer World) came out with an editorial article about the changes forced on Radio Shack employees. I think that what they wrote applies equally to elders and other male Jehovah's Witnesses that follow the Watchtower's dress codes:
"Let's face it, Radio Shack may be trying to make their male store managers and computer techs 'put on a new face' in an attempt to compete with IBM. But the truth is that a doofus without a beard is still a doofus..."
My JW sister breastfed her children until they were 5 years old. She picked up that idea from somewhere within the JWs, but I never was able to locate the source and she never shared it with me.
you doing alright bro?
we miss you around here.
You have a PM.
Venice, CA 1951
Mar Vista, CA 1952-53
Riverside, CA 1953-1966
==> wha happened? My wife went to Fairfax 1966-1970. Elders terrified her with tales of damnation (prep for 1975) for our three baby girls if I did not repent and go back. What years were you there?
we're already being innundated with the drivel that is the us political process.. propaganda, right and left.
no one wants to discuss or debate, they just want to shout in each others faces.. so, here's the rules:.
you can discuss politics as long as you are discussing things.if you just post copy-and-paste propaganda it will be deleted.if you post it in anywhere but the politics area it will be deleted.if it's the inane "obama can't prove he was born" or "romney is an alien" crap then it will be deleted.if you repeatedly violate the above, including trying to get threads shut-down, then you will be deleted.this has been a public service announcement on behalf of the "i dont' give a shit, the government always gets elected" party.. .
That's why we love you, Simon. Another measured and appropriate decision by the webmaster. Thank you.
look no 94: yin-yang.
Before you judge this new contributor too harshly, check out his website and look at the article about the Masonic hand signals. I'm not saying that I support everything that is being claimed, but what he suggests makes for interesting conversation.
There has been a great deal written on the subject of subliminal imagery. I remember reading Vance Packard's book, "The Hidden Persuaders" back in the 1970s. But much of what is claimed is true. It applies to the colors on a box of corn flakes, a soft drink can, and book covers. Some will attract and some will repel. People are drawn to imagery based on their nationality and ethnicity.
My guess (based on some training I took during my professional career) is that most of the fashion and perfume ads in magazines like Vanity Fair and Esquire have little teasers implanted in them. Sometimes all you have to do is to look at an ad upside down or sideways and images will pop right out at you.
So don't be so quick to poo-poo the possibility of the artists and Photoshop technicians at Watchtower HQ art department either (a) having a little fun at the Governing Body's expense ("Oh, yeah. See if those old geezers can see the ram's head in this image when they approved this article..."), or (b) having some direction by the article writers who want to leave more of an impression on JW sheep than boring words written at a 4th grade reading level.
I realize that some of the examples shown in the past are a little over the top or extremely long stretches of the imagination. But on the other hand, ask yourself, "why did the artist choose that particular picture on the wall or put that upside down, gravity defying wrinkle, in Jesus' robe?"
Indicetj: You have an email coming your way.
I spent an hour at a Memorial meeting last year (2011) and I couldn't wait to get out of there - in spite of the love bombing I got.
I do what I do to help otherwise innocent JWs and those who might get trapped see the truth about the WT and the GB. Otherwise I'd never give them a second thought. Those of my family members (with a couple of exceptions) who are still in are pretty much losers and could not function in the real world. So I say let them stay if they want to and I'll write them off as lost causes.
No way I'd ever go back. I have to more senile than a prune to agree to go back. I doubt if I will reach that level of senility for at least another year or two.
on 4/6, the poster orphan annie posted about her experiences with jw's and her ill husband.
unfortunately, her husband died monday, and she is feeling very sad.
i just wanted to make others aware of it, so that we can encourage her and give her some much needed support during this rough time.. her original thread is here.
Sorry to hear of your lost. Our love to you...
JV and Mrs. JV
it saddens me to inform you that ruth edwards has passed.
ruth was a long time member of the menlo park congregation.
when the letter was read that indicated that john cobb, jason cobb, walter st. clair, and george stock had been removed from their post as elders, ruth fainted and needed to be taken to the hospital.
Ruth Edwards (Menlo Park Kingdom Hall) public funeral announcement for April 14, 2012 (I've edited it to remove names of living family members and possible minors):
She was 84 years old. Notice that funeral will not take place at the Menlo Park KH, but in Palo Alto instead.
Ruth Edwards
Sept. 27, 1927-April 5, 2012
Menlo Park, California
Carrie Belle Ruth was born Sept. 19, 1927, in Porterville, Calif., to Oletha and Carroll (Bill) DeBerry. The family moved to San Francisco where Ruth was raised. Ruth was the only child born to Bill and Oletha, but was especially close to her cousin, Robert (Bob) Douglas, who was like a brother to her.
Ruth met and married Preston Leigh Edwards, and together they raised six children. In 1959 Preston and Ruth left San Francisco and moved their five small children to Menlo Park, after which [daughter] came along. Preston died in 1971.
Ruth met Marie Alums, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, in the early 1960s, and with her help began to study the Bible. In January 1973, the highlight of Ruth's life occurred when she symbolized her dedication to Jehovah God by water baptism and became one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Ruth enjoyed jazz and jitterbug. She was fond of entertaining and often invited friends and family to her home for meals and good times. She had many happy experiences serving as a full-time proclaimer of the Bible's message, and found great pleasure in long hours spent side by side with her daughters, and friend and service partner, Louella Kates Stock, in that work. In 1989 Ruth embarked on a different full-time career, raising two granddaughters. In spite of declining health and stamina, Ruth continued to serve Jehovah faithfully with the Menlo Park Congregation until the end.
Ruth treasured many, many friendships and experiences had along the way in her years of service to Jehovah God. She was known and loved by many as "Granny."
Ruth is survived by her son, and his wife, and four daughters. Her son Bill Edwards predeceased her. Ruth is also survived by 13 grandchildren. In addition she leaves 18 grandchildren.
Memorial service
Saturday, April 14, at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses on 429 High St. in Palo Alto, CA 94301
So sad...